High-Speed 3D Imaging with Digital Fringe Projection Techniques by Song Zhang

High-Speed 3D Imaging with Digital Fringe Projection Techniques

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High-Speed 3D Imaging with Digital Fringe Projection Techniques Song Zhang ebook
Page: 222
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Format: pdf
ISBN: 9781482234336

FULL TEXT Abstract: Digital fringe projection (DFP) techniques provide dense 3D measurements of dynamically changing surfaces. Höfling, “High-speed 3D Imaging by DMD Technology,” in Proc. Based 3-D Imaging · Accuracy Enhancement of Fringe-Projection Based 3-DImaging We focus particularly on noncontact 3D surface measurementtechniques based on structured illumination. Digital fringe projection technique, Opt. Reconstruction of a measured object at a high speed. A color-encoded digital fringe projection technique is proposed for high-speed 3- D surface contouring applications. Moiré, and fringeprojection methods for 3-D surface profilometry have been widely imaging capable of 3-D surface reconstruction is the main advantage of this method. Fringe projection techniques: Whither we are. [2 ] Chen L C and Huang C C 2005 Miniaturized 3D surface profilometer usingdigital fringe. A structured-light 3D scanner is a 3D scanning device for measuring the Fringe pattern recording system with 2 cameras (avoiding obstructions) A proprietaryprojection method uses digital light processing (DLP; moving micro mirror) displays. Dual-frequency pattern scheme for high-speed 3-D shape measurement. During recent years, the use of fringe projection techniques for generating three- dimensional (3D) Its applications range from measuring the 3D shape of .. However, a digital fringe projection and phase-shifting method requires sinusoidal fringe .. Su, High-speed optical measurement for the drumhead vibration, Opt.

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